DEA Agent Shoots Self in Leg During Gun-Safety Class for Kids
A US Drug Enforcement Administration agent was giving a presentation on gun safety when he shot himself in the thigh with his loaded gun. Susan Nichols, 41, was in the classroom watching the presentation with 50 other adults and children. "The point of gun safety hit home. After seeing that, my nephew doesn't want to have anything to do with guns."
The presentation was part of the DEA's new "Watch and Learn" program, which seeks to impress upon kids "the dangers associated with guns, drug-use, and other hazardous or immoral practices." The gun safety presentation was followed by lessons in avoiding alcohol and gambling. The adults and children present watched as two DEA agents consumed several alcoholic beverages, until their blood-alcohol-level was nearly twice the legal limit. The two agents then attempted to drive separate cars around the parking lot before crashing into each other. Another agent then demonstrated the perils of gambling by placing a large bet on a horse race, losing, then having his legs broken and his house repossessed when he was unable to pay his loan shark.