Tuesday, June 15, 2004

Pie-Throwing Teen Returns to School

The Ohio high school student who was expelled for throwing a pie in his principal's face will return to school this fall, said the district superintendent. Danbury High School student Blake Molnar pushed a whipped-cream filled pie tin into principal Karen Abbott's face as part of a school-sponsored event. Although Abbott approved the event and consented to the pie-throwing, she complained and filed assault charges, claiming that her face, neck, and nose hurt because of the incident. District Superintendent Martin Fanning allowed Molnar to return to school following an apology and Molnar's acknowledgement "that his actions were inappropriate."

"Blake has issued a written apology and has also spoken directly with Principal Abbott," Fanning said. "He now realizes that whipped cream is a very dangerous substance, as deadly as guns, drugs, or marshmallows." The superintendent said that steps had also been taken to "make sure Principal Abbott's fragile face" is never harmed again. Abbott will be required to wear a face mask donated by a local ice hockey goalie, he said. The principal, who says she is suffering from Post-Traumatic Stress Syndrome since the pie-throwing incident, appeared encouraged when she heard about the face mask. "Students raise their hands and I'm reminded of Blake raising the pie just before he so cruelly attacked me," Abbott said. "I think this mask will really help me face the world again," she told reporters as she cowered under her desk.


At 5:34 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

That principal must be a pansy.

At 5:36 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

yeah, that or the whipped cream must be really old and hardened... maybe after sitting for a few years it could hurt somebody.


At 3:08 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

That principal must be a pansy.


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