Tuesday, April 27, 2004

Pizza Delivery Used to Find Lawbreakers

Missouri state officers are using a new strategy to find criminals: looking at pizza delivery companies' databases to track down those who owe the state money. "When you call to order a pizza, you usually give them your correct name, your correct address and your correct phone number," said David Coplen, the state office's budget director.

Independence, Missouri resident Charles Hatch found out about the state's strategy the hard way after he ordered a pizza with "pepperoni, mushrooms, and extra cheese." He opened his front door expecting to find "the usual kid with a beat-up car" parked at the curb behind him. Instead, Hatch saw a clean, black sedan and was confronted by two men in dark suits and sunglasses. "I figured, since the economy was bad, you know, that they were just two guys down on their luck, trying to earn a living. But when I saw their badges, I asked them if I could call the pizza place back and have my pizza delivered to my holding cell," Hatch continued. "They said no."


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