Tuesday, April 20, 2004

Professor Creates Eco-Friendly House, Disney Sues

Professor Kamaruzzaman Sopian, of the Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, has invented the world's first "fully self-sustainable" eco-house. The house was designed to be "a sustainable and environmentally-friendly residential dwelling, helping to reduce air pollution, global warming and acid rain."

The Walt Disney company has joined with the descendants of author Johann Wyss in a suit against the Malaysian university alleging that Professor Sopian's creation is not the world's first "fully self-sustainable" house. Disney claims that the house of the Swiss Family Robinson was around more than a hundred years before, and the company points to their famous replica as proof of what a real self-sustainable house should look like. Several Native American and Aboriginal tribes joined in a separate suit claiming that their ancestors were actually the first to invent an environmentally-friendly house.


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