Priest Performs Over 100 Exorcisms
The Rev. Julio Cesar Elizaga, of Montevideo, Uruguay, has performed more than 100 exorcisms over the past 47 years. The "liberation prayer," as Elizaga called it, has little in common with how the practice is portrayed in the movies. For example, he has never "seen a body levitate, or a neck pivot 360 degrees, or green vomit."
"No, no, I've never seen that," the priest continued. "The vomit was actually a rather pleasant electric blue color, not green, and the neck spun around a whole lot more than 360 degrees -- Hollywood is always so modest when it portrays a demonic liberation." Elizaga revealed that the majority of the exorcisms he has performed did not take place in his home country, or even close by. Many of them took place "in Washington, D.C." and "near New York City's Wall Street." Elizaga said that he doesn't understand why so many were needed in those two areas. "Demonic possession usually occurs in those seeking power or money who are corrupted and invite the evil into themselves," he added. "I just don't see the connection to those locations."
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